NGAGE 1.0 State Reports Reveal Comprehensive Gambling Attitudes and Trends (2018)
Comprehensive state-specific analyses from the National Survey on Gambling Attitudes and Gambling Experiences (NGAGE 1.0) provide detailed insights into gambling behaviors, attitudes, and trends at the state level.
These reports include:
- State-specific gambling participation rates
- Local attitudes toward gambling and gamblers
- Detailed segment analysis of different demographic groups
- National comparative data
- Problem gambling and addiction insights
Key Benefits:
- Data-driven decision making for policy development
- Baseline measurements for future gambling initiatives
- Customized insights for public and private sectors
- Operational optimization for gambling operators
- Evidence-based policy development guidance
- Professional resources for addiction specialists
- Academic research and educational content
The reports serve multiple stakeholders:
- Government officials
- Gambling operators
- Healthcare professionals
- Educational institutions
- Research organizations
- Policy makers
- Treatment providers
Person gambling on mobile phone
- NCPG Members: $850
- Non-Members: $950
These comprehensive reports help organizations make informed decisions about gambling-related initiatives, enhance service offerings, and develop effective policies for responsible gambling practices.